Dr. Rafael Alberto García Amarís
Physician/Ophthalmologist/Subspecialist in Retina and Vitreous

Surcolombiana University | Neiva (Huila) – 2000.
CES University Medical School | Medellín (Antioquia) – 2005.
Caracas Center Arévalo-Coutinho Foundation | Caracas (Venezuela) – 2008.
Trained in vitreo-retinal surgery, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachments, and associated vitreous pathology.
Extensive experience in Cataract surgery, Refractive Phaco, Presbyopia correction, Retinopexy, Vitrectomies, management of macular pathologies, retinopathy of prematurity, antiangiogenic therapies, and laser procedures.
Dr. García has a broad background and experience in planning and implementing specialized healthcare services. He has developed seven projects for ophthalmology services in the Coffee Axis region (Armenia, Cartago, and Pereira), as well as in other parts of the country, including Montería, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga, and Pasto.
His main office is located in the city of Pereira, which boasts an excellent team of specialists and a significant investment in state-of-the-art technology for diagnostic and therapeutic support in ophthalmic pathologies, providing opportunity, safety, relevance, efficiency, and comprehensiveness throughout the care process.
His main objective is to establish his clinics in the Coffee Axis as a benchmark in the southwest of the country, becoming a center for research, education, and training, thereby creating a positive impact on users, their families, and the community.
Additional Training
- Update on the management of amniotic membrane, Antioquia Ophthalmology Association, July 2002, Medellin – Colombia.
- XXX National Ophthalmology Congress, Colombian Ophthalmology Society, September 2002, Cartagena – Colombia.
- XXIV Annual Course, National Ophthalmological Foundation, February, March 2003, Bogotá – Colombia.
- I Course on Ocular Plastic Surgery, University of Antioquia, May 2003, Medellin – Colombia.
- 1st International Ophthalmology Congress, Ophthalmological Clinic of Antioquia CLOFAN, September 2003, Medellin – Colombia.
- I National Congress for Residents, Colombian Ophthalmology Society, October 2003, Bogotá – Colombia.
- VII “In Antioquia, no more for diabetes” Day, San Vicente de Paul University Hospital, November 2003, Medellin – Colombia.
- I International Congress on Phacorefractive, Colombian Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons – Colombian Association of Cornea and Refractive Surgery, February 2004, Barranquilla – Colombia.
- WebLab ALCON Cataract Surgery by Phacoemulsification, San Diego Ophthalmological Clinic, May 2004, Medellin – Colombia.
- XXXI National Ophthalmology Congress – Ophthalmology Without Borders, Colombian Ophthalmology Society, August 2004, Cartagena – Colombia.
- I Community Visual Health Course WHO-OPS-Christoffel Blinden Mission-International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness-Vision 20/20-National Ophthalmological Foundation, January 2005, Bogotá – Colombia.
- XXVI Annual Course FUNDONAL, National Ophthalmological Foundation, January 2005, Bogotá – Colombia.
- I International Ophthalmology Summit Colombian Ophthalmology Society-Carriazo Ophthalmological Center, February 2005, Barranquilla – Colombia.
- XXVI Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, March 2005, Santiago de Chile – Chile.
- II International Ophthalmology Congress, Ophthalmological Clinic of Antioquia CLOFAN, July 2005, Medellin – Colombia.
- AAO Chicago 2005 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Ophthalmology, October 2005, Chicago – USA.
- II Congress of the Pan-American Society of Retina and Vitreous. X GLADAOF Forum, May 2006, Cartagena – Colombia.
- LIV National Congress of Ophthalmology, Venezuelan Society of Ophthalmology, June 2006, Caracas, Venezuela.
- XXVII Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, May and June 2007, Cancun – Mexico.
- III Congress of the Pan-American Society of Retina and Vitreous. XI GLDAOF Forum, May 2008, Margarita – Venezuela.
- XXXIII National and International Congress of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology, August 2008, Cartagena – Colombia.
- 9th EURETINA Congress, May 2009, Nice, France.
- V International Congress of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmological Clinic of Antioquia-CLOFAN, August 2009, Medellin – Colombia.
- IV Interactive Course on Retina and Vitreous of the Colombian Association of Retina and Vitreous, ACOREV, September 2009, Cartagena – Colombia.
- 1st Annual Institutional Course of the National Ophthalmological Foundation and Society of Ocular Surgery, February 2010, Bogota – Colombia.
- IX Annual Meeting Pan-American Research Day. Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, May 2010, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
- Annual Meeting Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology – ARVO, May 2010, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
XXXIV National Congress of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology, August 2010, Bogota – Colombia. - 2nd Annual Institutional Course of the National Ophthalmological Foundation and Society of Ocular Surgery, February 2011, Bogota – Colombia.
- 1st Workshop on Management and Leadership in Ophthalmology, March 2011, Bogota – Colombia.
- XXIX Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, July 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- VI International Congress of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmological Clinic of Antioquia-CLOFAN, August 2011, Medellin – Colombia.
- V Interactive of the Colombian Association of Retina and Vitreous – ACOREV, September 2011; Cartagena – Colombia.
- AAO Orlando 2011 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Ophthalmology, October 2007, Orlando, USA.”